Founded by digital artists, musicians and engineers, Studio Bruyant is a creative studio, based in Paris (France). We create interactive installations, audiovisual performances and video games. Somewhere between generative design, sound art and gamification, our experiences often have a social and participatory dimension.
Bruyant also designs and produces custom digital animations for brands, to help them communicate in an original and innovative way. The studio works mainly in event and museum fields.
Our skills
We speak to humans project management / advice / specifications
And to machines interactive design / game design / programming / electronic / sound design / musical composition / artistic direction / graphic design / 3D modeling / object design
In the following languages Unity3D / Unreal Engine / Cinema4D / OpenFrameworks / Max/MSP/Jitter / Node.js / C / C# / C++ / Javascript / Objective C / Swift / Python / OpenGL / GLSL / Bash / Arduino / Raspberry Pi / Ableton Live / 3D Studio Max / the ones which still don’t exist
To make interactive installations / audiovisual performances / video games / mobile applications / dedicated software

Guillaume Evrard
Likes Max/MSP, Ableton Live, Unity, Cinema 4D, soldering stuff and andouillette.

Likes Unity, brutalist architecture, Twin Peaks, Pinterest and andouillette.